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National Storytelling Week 2022

Writer's picture: Cara SilversmithCara Silversmith

It's the start of National Storytelling week!

Stories and storytelling are how humans have communicated complex ideas since language was developed. We connect with stories and their message on a level that is not present in merely presenting facts. Listening to a story activates so many parts of the brain and brings in our emotions connecting us on a much more personal basis to what is being communicated. In pre-literate societies oral storytelling was the main form of education and entertainment, and it still holds our attention today leading us to ask questions and and examine situations from new perspectives. This is increasingly important in an ever changing world.

Learning to listen, participate, and tell stories are the foundations of our learning from the moment we are born. They stimulate memories, feelings, and connection allowing us to feel part of something bigger.

As we age re-visiting familiar stories and themes, along with new tales, stimulates our memories and keeps our brains active.

All year we are offering 50% off our storytelling sessions.

Anyone can tell a story. In fact everyone does! We tell stories all the time about how our day was, relating experiences that have happened to us, as ways or trying to relate our feelings. Using diverse language and concepts expands our capacity to express ourselves and our ideas. Storytelling is a key way that children develop literacy, critical analysis, and reflective skills. Being able to participate in a storytelling activity gives a sense of community, wellbeing, and can nurture confidence in expressing ourselves.

Here are some activities to try

What is going on here?

Take a photograph and ask questions about what is going on in the scene.

Where is it?

How warm is it?

Who lives there?

What is going on?

What happened just before the picture was taken?

What happens next?

Develop a story from the answers

Fortunately Unfortunately

Here you are working on a mutual story taking turns suggesting what might happen next alternating between positive and negative consequences.

For example - There was lots of wood to cut. Fortunately Tom had just bought a new axe. Unfortunately he had left in at home in his rush to get out this morning. Fortunately his mum had noticed and brought it out for him, along with his lunch. Unfortunately she trip on the way up the bank carrying everything. Fortunately she landed in a big clump of moss...

Sit in a circle, or work in pairs for this activity.

Tall tales, What in the world is this is...

Using a small collection of objects (stone, torch, feather, material) sit in a circle and pass the item around - This could also be done in pairs. The first time the object goes around everyone has to spend some time holding it, looking at it, getting to know its characteristics. Each person should use one word to describe the object - smooth, shiny, sleek, lustrous, velvety. Once a word has been used it cannot be used again!

Once everyone has had the opportunity to investigate the object it goes around again and this time everyone should use their imaginations suggest a name and a use for the object. For example a stone might be a troll's hammer, or a fossilised raindrop from Jupiter. You can expand this to ask everyone to suggest how it arrived where it is.

We can offer workshops for teachers, community groups, and care workers as well as storytelling for schools, and groups of all ages. Email for more details and to get your 50% discount.

Here are some links that you may find useful



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